Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thanks for your well wishes

Well we wanted to thank everyone for your well wishes with our fertility process. We did another try May 12th..... and like a very impatient person I took a couple tests and they were positive only to realize it was the horm in my system. So I have taken a couple test s the last couple of days and see a slight line so we are praying this is it.......:-) I don't know what we will do if it is twins.......ooohhh my goodness, would that be something LOLOLOL. Then we really would be finished. Anyways as we find out things I will post it for you guys. Thanks again for your prayers and thoughts we really appreciate it.

1 comment:

~Sharon~ said...

Hey Julie, I'm thinking of you and praying for you too. If it does turn out to be twins, then it was meant to be. I can already tell by your words you are a great mom, so you can handle twins and give them ALL the love they need. :)