Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas eve

This is Christmas eve at my aunt's house, it was a full house. This is Abby always wanting to play with her cousins (who are all boys) toys.

Then she opened her toys from everyone and got her Rose Petal cottage and alot of other fun stuff. The necklace she is wear is a light up Cinderella, my brother always gets her the fun stuff.

Then she opened a makeup case, she is way to young for that so it has to go back!!!! But for a minute she thought she hit the lotto, LOL. All in
all it was very nice, esp since I have been in and
out of the hospital and they were wanting to keep
me for 2 more weeks. I was so sad thinking my
baby would not have her mommy home on Christmas, but I was lucky my regular dr was on dutie sunday afternoon and he said I had been in three days and I could go home. YAHHHH!!!!! So it was extra special to be able to be with everyone.

Our Christmas pictures

This is the picture we decided on for our Christmas card. But I just loved the other one because Abby just loves her daddy so much she can't take her eyes off him!!!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Pictures with Santa

Well this is what we woke up to sunday morning, snow on the ground it was 32. So we got ready to go get Abby's pictures done with Santa at South Coast. The next picture is of Abby's watching the Wiggles in the car with her headset, how cute is she!! The next picture is of her dressed at my aunts house and ready to go, she looked beautiful. Abe had to take her on the horses about 7 times while my family and I waited in line. Then finally the pictures with Santa, she did not smile once but hey she did not cry this time so that is better then last year!! All in all we had a great day and she loves Santa, just at a distance, LOL.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Our visit with Evie & Ashlyn

So here we are at Sisley's eating lunch with Evie's father Marty, grnadmother Claire, me, Ashlyn, Abby and Abe is taking the picture. I had never been to this place and it was soooo good. The next picture is Ashlyn feeding Abby whipcream from her yummy treat. The next picture is Abe, Abby and Ashlyn.

So these are the pictures of auntie Evie and familys gift to Abby, a tea table for her twin dolls. Her and Ashlyn played with that all weekend. The next picture is Abby with her best buddie Ashlyn, she loves her and followed her everywhere, so cute. The last picture is of Abby opening her fun table with auntie Evie and Ashlyn.
We had a great weekend, I can't wait till we can do it more!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Babies Shower

Well I still can't get my pics in order, oh well. I will try and explain them each. 1st is Jennifer and I after opening all the gifts, relaxing. 2nd is how it went the whole time, Abby was grumpy so she wanted only me to hold her. 3rd me surrounded by gifts. 4th Abby and Taylor running around in the backyard, they like to play together. 5th my mothers best friend Valerie and my mom. 6th and last is me with the cake and food, yummy!!! I look as big as a house, I am starting my 7th month and I am the same weight I was when I gave birth to Abby, WOW. I had a great day and I'm very thankful to have such great friends and family to share this with. I also wanted to say something about a women I wish more then anything could have shared this day with me and that is Barbara Asbell (Evies mother) she was my second mom and since her passing on this day Nov 3rd I have missed her dearly. She was such a loving part of my upbringing and she is very missed!!!!


Well I took Abby to my brothers for Halloween and Abe met us there to trick or treat. She was Sleeping Beauty, the costume was a little big but worked out. Matthew is usually scared and does not go trick or treating but when he found out Abby was going he wanted to go. We went up the block just a little but Abby was so cute saying "trick or treat" and then thank you each time without me telling her. I am glad I went although I have a URI, I loved seeing her have such fun!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Abby with her Pumpkin

We decided Miss Potatoe Head Princess was perfect for Abby's pumpkin, no mess love that!!!

Halloween Party

Well I have not figured out how to get my pictures where I want them, LOL. So the 1st picture is after they played in their costumes we changed them to decorate pumpkin cookies. They were so cute!! The next is Abby as Cinderella, we bought her Sleeping Beauty but she was not comfort-
able in it so she wanted to wear Cinderella, she has them all so she had alot to pick from. The 3rd picture is the kids eating lunch, Riley was a Pirate, Bella was Snow White, they had a great time. I was soooo tired after cleaning up etc but I am so glad we did it.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Our weekend........

Abe brought roses home for me on friday and a princess balloon for Abby because we did not feel well, we have the best daddy!!
This is daddy and Abby building blocks, they love to do this all day.

My babies and me..........

I laughed so hard when I walked in and found her in her babys crib, she puts her twin babies auntie Evie got her for her birthday in there. She decided she wanted to sit in there herself, it was really sweet!!!

Big girl bed

Big girl Abby in her new bed, she loves it and sleeps all night. She has fallen out a couple times but does really great.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Well Abe was offered a job out of state and we are thinking we are going to take it. The state is Kentucky. Our friends are doing the same move which I guess will make it a little easier, but I still feel very mixed about it. The pros are Abes brother Christian lives in Indiana about 5 min. from where we would be, which I know Abe would love to live by him. The other pro is we would be closer to Abes family in New York which I am very close to, and closer to my grandfather in Ar. I know it is a great job and we can do really good there, BUT I will feel sad taking my children away from their family. I am so scared and unsure at this point, we have been praying about this alot so I know it will all work out. I just hope I can come to peace with what we decide.


So we went to the doctors last tuesday and found out we are having a boy and girl YYYAAHHH. That is what I hoped for but I would be happy either way. They are growing so well he was 10 oz. and she was 9 oz. tuesday and three weeks before that they were 4 oz. Then we had a real scare monday and I had to go to the hospital tuesday regarding my bloodwork and had to get another ultrasound and the dr said they are both 11 oz. I really don't think there is anymore room in my belly, it is so big. This has been a really hard pregnancy for me but I know in the end it will be worth it all.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Summer fun

Well I have tried and failed at most of our family trips this summer, but I still try and get out there!! We met my brother and his boys at Scandia to do some miniture golfing and fun little rides........well what do you know I made it about 1/2 hr and had a passout spell, I had to lay in the wet grass in white shorts LOLOL, I can laugh about it now but it was far from funny then. I was fine after getting in the shade for awhile!!! Abe gets so upset because he does not understand why I do this to myself, WELL I don't do this to myself I try and give my family some fun, because they deserve it!!!! But I do understand his point, the same thing happened when we went to Sea World and Disneyland, I guess I am having problems with not doing what I want, when I want. Who knows when we will be able to go to these places again when the twins come???? Anyways we went ot my brothers after the park and had a fun swim day, Abby LOVES to hang out and play with her cousins!!!!

I did feel bad for my brother because while at the park he found out a good friend of his from work had died in a motorcycle accident that morning, so being the caretaker my brother is, he was on the phone with everyone and planning to go to the house and do whatever he could for the family. It really makes you think anytime we could lose someone we love and the thought is frightening!!!!! Casey said it should be a nice big Firefighter service, so thats nice for the family to have that support.

So here are some fun summer pictures!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The twins at 14 weeks............

Well I went for my prenatal appointment with my new Dr., I was very nervous because I normally will not see a man but since I need a specialist I had to...
I must say I was pleasantly surprised, he was extremely professional but very caring and was very knowledgeable. He asked and told me more then any Ob Dr. I had ever seen!! He does want to see me every three weeks :-( but I think it is for the best with my heart problem he says it is triggered with pregnancy, I did not know that!!!! We find out the sex Sept 4th, we are very excited, Abe is sitting on pins and needles because I won't let him do anything to their room till we know, he is soo cute he has been stopping by the store after work and getting newborn diapers, he says we need to start now :-)... Oh course there was one baby that was very active and kicking the other one over and over again, I said to the Dr. "is that baby kicking the other in the head"??? He laughed and said "NO that is their butt"
how funny it was to see. I still have not completely wrapped my head around this, I know it will be like it was with Abigail and as soon as we knew she was a girl it instantly hit me and I began my bonding!! I am as big as a house already which is fine I want to gain as much as I can but people think I am 6 months........ :-O LOL
I will let you know when we find out the sex...........until then please pray for us!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

20 YEAR REUNION...............

So saturday night was my 20 year reunion, I was not sure from the beginning if I would go. I finally decided with the help of some friends:-) that I would regret not going, so we went. First we dropped Abby off at my aunts in Costa Mesa then we headed over to Sharons for a before party. It was really nice Linda Dixon, Amber Polmenteer, Debbie Whitcher and of course Sharon, Garey and the kids were there. It was really nice to be back in that area with old friends, that made us feel so welcome!!! Thanks again guys.

Then we headed off to the reunion...........and can I just say WOW, people have changed so much it is hard to believe. Maybe because I don't feel I look much different then high school. I got to see some people I really wanted to see including Eric Somers, I miss him!!!

Dinner was great I had 2 plates (well I am eating for 3) LOL. Abe was even having fun, the funny thing is I think Garey and the drunks there made him laugh alot, which is always funny!! Not that Garey was drunk he was not but I meant that Garey and then the drunks made him laugh, you know what I mean, right?LOL

I think the funniest time was when Linda was singing " Like a Virgin" on the DJ's microphone and walkinig around the place talking to people on the microphone, then I turned around another time because I hear singing from the dance floor and what do you know Sharon had the microphone, WHAT A BLAST!!!! It was great to see everyone having so much fun. Then there was Debra Carey who was all over Jennifer and she was getting so upset then we hear this shuffle and turn around to Debra and Jennifer Savage on top of each other and falling to the floor where Jennifer smashed her head on the floor, and all they could do was laugh and lay there!!! Oh man you could not have written a better time esp for us to just watch, I sat there wondering what must Abe be thinking about this class????? THAT THEY KNOW HOW TO HAVE FUN!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

IS IT ME????????? I have had some issues with my family as far as Abby goes. The problem is.......I don't let her out of my site, she has only been babysat about 10 times in her short 2 year old life. The times she has been babysat is for me to go to the dr, or when I had surgery. We don't ever want to go anywhere without her so we don't get sitters to go on dates.....I know that it is said "you two need date time" I do believe that BUT like we always say" we had 12 yrs alone". Now we just want to be with our child!

So the problem is my family wants to have Abby and I have a problem letting her go, so after many arguements I said I would allow her to spend the night with my mother and nephews (which Abby adores). Abe was not happy but said I won't fight you on this, so we got her ready and took her to my brothers to meet my mom. Oh course I have alot of rules, which my mother follows none!!!! I said don't let her play on the playground at McDonalds, well she did, and Abby did come out ok LOL.

I called alot which made my mom upset, but the bottom line is I trust my mom completely but she is my baby and I have to be aware of EVERYTHING........... I know I have control issues for sure!!!!!!!
Everyone knows this, but I feel like I have to take baby steps to begin to trust someone else with the most important thing in my life.

She had the best time ever and she cried when my mom and the boys left, so I feel good about that, BUT I just don't think this is something I can do all the time. Once in awhile!! Abe and I did have a great day, we went shopping and to dinner. But I was counting the minutes until Abby was home in my arms...............really am I the only person who feels this way??????? I am so torn. I want to do what is right for Abby and allow her to have relationships that she can count on and charish. I think I need some help though, and Abe feels the same as me so that does not help!!!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

REUNION....... I have my 20 yr reunion coming August 4th. I am extremely sad that it is the same night as Harvest, we were so looking forward to seeing one of our favorites POD!!!!!!!!! But when I thought about it, I can see them anytime BUT I will not get another chance for a 20 yr reunion. I am also sad that I am pregnant while going, I'm sure I will be the only 38 yr old there pregnant with twins LOL :-).
Do I have a lot of close friends going, NO! But do I have people I really liked and would have loved to keep in touch with, YES! I think what made me feel in the beginning like I did not want to go is, first my best friend is a year younger then me so she was not in my class. Second, I had a boyfriend all thru high school that was in my class so I spent every minute with him, and of course Eric Somers.........
who I had a very close friendship after high school. But it brings me to the thought of "well I never put myself out there enough to really make great friends, people in my grade who I could have in my life forever........". That makes me sad,
because most of my closest friends are from when I was young, Evie I have been friends with over 30 years, Wendy about 27 years, Jen about 25 years...... those are the most meaningful friendship that have been in my life for years. I do have newer friends that mean the world to me, Treena!! But my point being I wish I felt the overjoyed feeling of seeing these people I was so close to again, but really I am going with the thought of I really want to see these people I don't know so well and see if I connect with them. But to be totally honest the main reason I am going is because I think I portrayed a not so nice person, and there are some people I would like to know me NOW and not think that is who I really am. I ultimately do not want anyone to feel negative of me. So with that said I will be going, and I am very excited to go to Sharons before and get to know the girls again. I think we are all going to have a blast!!!!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Abbys 2nd birthday party..

Ok, well I think I figured out how to get pictures in order. I will have to try it out next time LOL. This was Abbys 2nd birthday party, these are the roses her daddy got her for her special day!!
This is Abby and her Elmo cake. I know I make cakes yet I bought hers, but I was not up for standing for hours to make her one so I got this one and she loved it!!! Too bad she does not like cake,LOL. She did try to blow the candles out, it was very cute.

We had a Elmo pinata, Abby went first then the other kids. My nephew Michael finally broke it!!! The kids loved all the candy Abby and daddy stuffed in it.

So this is Abby opening her presents with her grandma, she received alot of Elmo gifts, 2 cars etc. She was getting tired of opening them she wanted to play with them,LOL.

This was such a great day, but boy was I glad it was over. I plan for months and spend so much it is silly, but as long as we all have fun, it is worth it. This is Abby on my moms lap opening present after present....... alot of Elmo stuff, which she loves!!! We all hung out in the backyard, Michael swam and the kids played on the playground. Over all it was a busy but fun day. Now we just have a couple birthday parties but other then that we can relax, until the baby shower :-)..............

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Wow, to think it was 2 years ago today that I finally gave birth after 4 days of labor... To also think we had tried for 11 years to have her. With everyday that goes by I love her more and more, if that is possible. She is such a great little girl which makes me sad to say because I always call her my baby :-( Now she is sooo

big and smart. For her birthday today we are going to go to Chuckie Cheese with her cake and have some fun, then saturday we will have a party with lots of swimming and fun!!!!! So to my baby girl Abigail HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY ANGEL!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Flowers for mommy.......

Abe and Abby went grocery shopping for me and came back with a very sweet surprise. Abby loves to sit in the store and smell every flower she can, so her and daddy bought me some and she did not want to give them up LOL.

Fun with grandma

So grandma came up to stay with us and Abby was so excited to have her toenails painted. She sat so still, it was the sweetest thing ever.