Friday, April 18, 2008

My babies........

So we had the company that took the pictures of the babies at the hospital come and take their pictures at home. It helped because the babies have been sick for so long. So of course like I always do I ordered a large package and got a copy of every picture taken. So here are a couple for you all to see.
Here is my Madelyn Grace, my baby I thought I would never have. Orange hair with the biggest blue eyes and the longest eyelashs ever seen. She is my youngest and the most likely to cry at the drop of a hat.........but gosh I look at her and think she is the most beautiful baby. I love her hair and the personality that comes with it, LOL.

Here is my big boy Freddy Paul aka Bubbie or Bear. He was the biggest baby and gave me the most trouble while pregnant. He just turned three months and weights about 15 lbs in the 77%, I think that is so great since he is a twin. Maddy is almost 12 lbs so she is holding her own, but my big boy is just the twinkle in my eye. He loves to lay on my chest and sleep, he is so calm and so willing to give the biggest smile you have ever seen at the drop of a hat. I think he will be a mommas boy (I hope) looking at him warms my heart.

I just loved these photos of me kissing them. Here is bubbie.

Here is Maddy, with her swollen eyes from crying so hard, lol........ she is still so beautiful my sissy.

The last one I have is the one of all three children........... right now in my house all three are very sick, Maddy is now on a inhalor for her wheezing and they have the worst coughs and colds. But when ever I feel over whelmed I look at this and think "I am the most blessed person ever" My dreams have come true in them!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Join citizens from across the nation who are signing our petition demanding Congress …De-fund Planned Parenthood And Stop Tax-Dollar Support Of Abortion
The Alert: U.S. taxpayers are being forced to fund America’s largest and leading abortion non-profit corporation, Planned Parenthood, to the tune of $305.3 million annually. Despite claims that Planned Parenthood provides a wide-range of family-planning services, the organization boasts of being the world’s largest abortion provider—performing a record 264,943 abortions in the fiscal year 2005-2006 -- a time period during which they made no adoption referrals (Source: Family Research Council). In the previous year, Planned Parenthood had reported 1,414 adoption referrals, which amounts to one adoption for every 180 abortions.
Illegal Activity: Recently, the PPFA has been indicted over illegal late-term abortions, failure to determine the viability for late term abortions, 23 felony counts of making false information and unlawful failure to maintain records.
Even more repulsive is word that PPFA has been involved in a baby body parts operation whereby intact body parts, arms, legs, eyes, livers etc. where shipped to fulfill what has been called “research” orders. During the investigation, a parts price list including $75 for an aborted spleen, $550 for gonads was uncovered.
These charges moved Senator Sam Brownback to call for a suspension of federal funding of PPFA.
Now is the time for grassroots Americans to take action against PPFA by demanding the government funding pull the plug on the PPFA’s thriving abortion industry.
The Action: The fact that this organization can somehow remain unaccountable while skirting regulations governing other so-called “non-profits” is highly suspect. Alliance has launched a national petition to rally 250,000 pro-life citizens from across the country that are calling for an end to the federal funding of PPFA and the abortion agenda, as well as a closer investigative look into the practices and procedures of PPFA. Grassfire’s petition -- modeled after the letter drafted by Sens. Brownback and Vitter -- will be sent directly to Congress in support of legislation to terminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood and other organizations promoting abortion.
Total signers: 78,508Your Sponsor:
If you've signed a Grassfire petition before, please enter the e-mail
address that you used then click "Find Me" and we'll fill out your
name and address information for you.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Well for what seems like forever the babies have been sick, so the house really does not function the way we would like. Abby is not sick so that is great BUT I on the other hand have what I think is a sinus ear infection. I had the worse migraine yesterday into the evening that I thought I would have to go to the hospital and get my shot in the behind, but like the great husband he is Abe stepped up and took over so I could go to sleep. I felt so guilty but I thought my head would explode!!!!

So bottom line it was not a great day in our house. I have always let Abby have crayons and markers because she has pretty much been good with them. We did have a time she wrote with crayons on the playroom closet door, but other then that not on anything else or herself! Well yesterday when everything could not get worse for me she decided to write all over her face with markers! Now on any given day this would be funny to me because of course she is just trying new things, right?! Well that was not the day for her to do it........... but I did try and see the humor in it all so I took some pics and told her how wrong it was but she thought it was funny. I said "do you want me to throw the markers in the trash" and she says "throw them in the trash"! What a day!!!!! LOLOLOLOL