Friday, May 9, 2008


After keeping up on my friend Hollys blog got me thinking..........she is going thru the same stuff Abe and I had to go thru to have our children, she more then me but somewhat the same. The highs and lows of thinking it will happen this month etc........ the hormones............your happiness at the time all rides on some Dr. telling you just how many eggs are there. You can't help but get your hopes up and when it does not happen you are devastated. I feel for her because when I was going thru this no one I knew had to go thru this. I am so thankful I am able to inspire Holly to keep her faith that it will happen for her. Maybe not right away but with time it will. So I stop and look at all my babies and THANK THE LORD for the many blessing he has given me, I am not worthy........................


Holly said...

Julie- it is working... your inspiration has helped me through many a day so far. I am so thankful to have re-connected with you. I believe everything happens for a reason - and I know you have been put back into my life to give me that lift I need to make it through this tough time. Thank you! Lunch for sure when this all calms down a bit. ;) Love you!

~Kim~ said...

I'm loving all these pictures of your family. I need to see them before they start walking...... So cute!