Monday, July 7, 2008

Swimming at uncle Caseys

Ok, big day of swimming for all. We went to my brothers and had a swim and BBQ day. Lots of fun, but everyone was very tired at the end of the day!! Here is Abe and Abby, this is her new lifejacket. She did not like it to much she wanted it off!
Here she is, she forgot her sunglasses.

She has most fun with her cousins Michael and Matthew, Michael is the BEST big cousin. Very protective of Abby and the babies.......

Abby with big uncle Cas, Michael and Matthew.

Here is Abe with the babies in the new cars.....LOL. They LOOVVVEEDD these things, they layed in them and just were so relaxed I loved it!!!!!

Thank goodness this is only my head showing........ anymore would scare ya, LOL.

Oh my Maddy girl so relaxed, this is right before the thumb hit her mouth and out she went..............

This picture makes me laugh, he is coughing. This is the only one I got so it will have to do. I know it looks like he is about to spit up but he was just coughing. LOL
Such a nice day then we ate chicken and tri-tip, shrimp and pasta salad. Mind you my brother made all of it!!!! Such a great housewife :-)

Then out she went, she slept there a good 45 minutes until we got out of the pool.

Big boy as well....... he was sooo out. Kids would accidentally splash them both and they still did not wake up. I need to take them swimming more often.

1 comment:

Evie said...

Everybody looks adorable. I hope to see all of you swimming here at our pool someday!!!